Monday, November 30, 2009


I found this picture at

Some of the interesting things I learned about India is that their constitution is the longest constitution of any independent nation, since it's independence India has only been in two brief military conflicts, and the majority of the country is Hindu.
In 1950 when India became a independent nation the constitution and system of government was set up. India has both a President and a Prime Minister that is appointed by the President. The president is elected for a 5 year term by a electoral college.
India has only had 2 brief military conflicts in Sri Lanka and Maldives. India has participated in the war in the middle east but the only military conflicts but the only conflicts that involved India and another country directly is Sri Lanka and Maldives, both of which the Indian government said were peace keeping military conflicts.
Hindu is 80.5% of all religions in India. Hinduism is a religion that believes in reincarnation and they believe that the highest honor is to be reincarnated as a cow. Therefore the cow is considered a holy animal and cows are protected, not eaten, and are allowed to roam free. really strict Hinduism doesn't even allow a person to drink cow's milk.

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