Monday, January 4, 2010


Some of the interesting things that I learned about China is that the main philosophy is Confucianism and that the five main religions practiced in china are Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism, and Protestantism.

Confucianism was the official philosophy throughout most of Imperial China and china's traditional values were derived from differents interpritations of Confucianism. With the rise of Western power non-chinese ideas about life began to take hold. China has from then on has become a country of experimentation with the new and old beliefs and different comprimises between the two

In 1949 all religious beliefs where banned in china because it was viewed as forien invasion. In the late 1970's China's government relaxed its view on religion and helped rebuild temples. Recently China's government has expressed its support for Buddhism and Taoism. The government sees these religions as important parts of Chinese culture.

China is a very interesting country that draws its roots from confusianism and is in a transition stage between the old and the new. China is a very interesting country that has a rich history and is interesting to learn about.

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